THE MIAMI STUDENT NEWSPAPER - Graphic DesignER 2020-2021
Throughout my last two years at Miami, I worked on the design team for the newspaper to make graphics corresponding to each week's stories.

"Why I quit buying clothes" - Oct. 2020

General vaccine/back to school graphic - Spring 2021

Still Test-Optional? - Nov. 2021

"Let's talk about (pandemic) sex, baby" - Feb. 2021

"Miami University contact tracers hope to reduce COVID-19 spread one call at a time" - Feb. 2021

General vaccine/back to school graphic - Fall 2021

WTF is going on next semester - April 2021

General COVID/Contact Tracing graphic - 2020

Weekly graphic for the TMS podcast

"Canvas update allows students to specify preferred pronouns" - Nov. 2020

"Students and faculty prepare for adjustment to in-person classes" - April 2021

"The skater bois at Miami" - Sept. 2021

"Online Orientation" - April 2020

General COVID graphic - 2020

"Miami considers extending test-optional admission policy" - Feb. 2021

"Anger and disagreements boil over between different colleges" - March 2021

"We don't need gender-neutral clothes, we need non-gendered clothes" - Sept. 2021

"The best horror to watch this year" - Oct. 2021